I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Amherst College. My research aims to bridge the gap between automated logical reasoning and machine learning. Specifically, I have developed mathematical techniques to formally verify properties of AI-driven systems, being the main developer of the Marabou verification framework. I have also employed machine learning techniques to improve the efficiency of automated reasoning tools in robust and automatic manners.
Prospective students: if you are interested in working with me, please send me an email with your CV to start a conversation.
- Aug 2024: Our paper “Formally Verifying Deep Reinforcement Learning Controllers with Lyapunov Barrier Certificates” was accepted at FMCAD’24.
- May 2024: Our tool paper “Marabou 2.0: A Versatile Formal Analyzer of Neural Networks” was accepted at CAV’24.
- Dec. 2023: I will be an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Amherst College starting Fall 2024.